Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Danger of eating sushi.

Hello everyone! Mua am back! Sori for the long absence but got tied down with the books. U know, mua really likes to eat and one of the d food that really grabs me is sushi and its sister, sashimi. Xtra favorite is salmon sushi or salmon sashimi - imagine such nice silvers of orangy salmon with a wallop of wasabi on a bed of rice topped with slices of pink vinegared ginger! Mouth-watering to say the least.

Yep! That is my idea of pure gastronomical bliss. Until just yesterday..... My friend sent me an email and it talked about the dangers of eating sushi. Well, no words can really describe how it has turned me away from sushi for life. If you don't think so - then view the following post -for viewing pleasure.

Btw, you are gonna view this at your own risk - and - be kind to your carpet or floor, don't look at it if you just had your dinner and are of the squeamish kind.

Do you still want to eat Sushi? Think TWICE!!


This is a true case of a Japanese man from Gifu Prefecture who incessantly about a persistent headache. Mr. Shota Fujiwara loves his sashimi and sushi very much to theextent of trying to get them as "alive and fresh" as can be for hisinsatiable appetite. He developed a severe headache, but for the past three years had put it off as migraine and stress from work. It was only when he started losing his phsyco-motor skills that he soughtmedical help.A brain scan and x-ray revealed little however. But upon closer inspection by aspecialist on his scalp, the Doctor noticed small movements beneath his skin. It was then that the Doctor did a local anaesthetic to his scalp and discovered the cause! Tiny tapeworms crawled out!
Major surgery was thus immediately called for and the extent of the infestation was horrific!

Fishy buzz Fact : Remember that tapeworms, roundworms and their eggs which abound in all fish,fresh or saltwater, can only be killed by thorough cooking. Freezing the fish to between -4 deg C - 0 degsC just leaves them dormant.


Fishy yours,

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