Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Fishy Rice & Prices

Wow! How times flies when one is b-zzzy!!! Doing what, I don't remember.

Wanted to write more before April ran out but somehow missed the April express - landed right smack on month of May's platform. Sigh! Gotta catchup with Father Time.

Well, the 12th General Elections has come and gone and the Malaysian government has said that it hears the people. That they will address the issues such as increase in food prices and shortages of foodstuffs. And the people said - yeah, yeah, yeah - yeh!

But that was early March 2008 - since then, there has been talk, talk and more talk. In the Malaysian press, - articles have been printed about how the Government will come forward soon with policies on the prices and they have a plan up their sleeve. How they are making headway and will soon announce plans that the rakyat will like.

If you ask me - it looks great in print and on paper - and probably in the minds of the politicians but on the street - in everyday life - honestly - zilch is being done. Correction - zilch is happening! And high prices continues to rumble over the people's pockets - like a bowling ball over the nine pins.

Daily, the man-on-the-street- the common folks - you and I - are being bombarded with increasing prices and shortages. Take rice for instance - the new talk on the street is that - even if you have money, soon you will not be able to find any rice to buy!!

But no! The Government says - we have enough rice - we have stockpiles - then, the question arises - where have all the rice gone? Who is keeping all the rice - why is it that rice - the staple food of this nation - is only found at sky high prices?

Imagine, last week - 10kg of Siam rice was only RM20.00. This week - it is 5kg at 20.00. So the price of rice has doubled. Giving the people the answer that it is a global matter - does not cut the truth and help the pockets.

Not only that, we would buy local grains but do you know that the local grains are also almost the same price as the Thai grains? Not only that, the only thing that you see at the hypermarkets and wholesalers - are the price tags - but no rice.

Now if that is not fishy bizness - then what is, I don't know. The Government says that they will work hard to win the favor and confidence of the people - I seriously doubt this is going to happen if the matters of today continue as they are - bcoz - the way it is happening right now - erosion of confidence is more real than ever - especially when money purses are being touched or in some cases - burnt.

I am grousing because in the city where there are many middle to upper-class folks - the pinch is already being felt - how would then, the rural and smaller town folks feel? What about the families with single income? What about the blue-collar workers? What about the single mothers with 4 kids to feed and put to school? What about the retirees on measly pensions? What about the disabled? What about the poor?

Every citizen and person has the right to be able to afford nutritious food - to fill their bellies - but look at what is happening? If we take more money from our pockets to buy food - then that means that we will have less money or no money at all for other necessities and do you know - our utilities are also on the way up, soon our fuel subsidies will again be reduced - what else can go wrong? Try Murphy's Law.

Somehow in seeing how things are moving - and feeling so depressed about it - one can't help but wonder seriously, if the Government may indirectly wish to teach the rakyat (people) a lesson - for not giving them a two-third majority.

Hey, this is not my conclusion - but am just picking up what one or two politicians from the ruling party have stated - that if the people have voted for the Opposition - then let them look to the Opposition to solve their woes. What sour grapes! There is a saying - when you point a finger - look at the other 2 pointing back to you! An indepth search of their arrogance would be more correct than ever.

Of course, there was quick denial from the main leaders but then, looking at the scenario - if the ruling party REALY has the people's interests at heart - shouldn't double quick action be taken in such time of food and price crisis? After all, these rumbles of impending rise in prices have been in the air for more than a month. Yet, nothing has been done to stop the bouldering effect.

I think that the people have given the ruling party sufficient time to regroup and reorganize themselves - what is needed now is really Less Talk - More Action!! More tangible visible action - not intangible words of hope.

Daily I search the papers looking for a glimmer of real hope from the Government - some light in the dark tunnel of our Malaysian existence and life - but sorely - that is yet to happen. I do hope that it will be soon.

So here I sit - in the cloud of smelly fishy gloom - waiting for a rainbow in the heavens to break through - to cover the shadows with light.

Till then, gloomily yours,
